The ORIMI factory has implemented ISO 22000 quality standard

The Orimi factory producing the entire range of tea and coffee products under The Orimi Trade Group of Companies brand underwent audit of SGS against the International quality standard ISO 22000 in food safety.
ISO 22000 quality standard regulates food safety management systems. The standard is based on the system approach regulating all production stages - from feedstock receipt to consumer use of products. In addition, fundamental premises of the standard are: priority of preventive control of product quality and safety (not subsequent - responsive), availability of documented product safety system, as well as determination of liability of each employee for food product safety.
ISO 22000 standard is one of the most complicated standards in the present day international certification system and places exacting demands on food industry enterprises. The organization applying for implementation of this standard must perform the long list of conditions - to use only specialized production equipment, to provide proper use of feedstock and materials used in production, to take all necessary sanitary and phytosanitary measures - from hygiene and health control of personnel working in the enterprise to environmental protection measures.
The audit against requirements of ISO 22000 standard in Orimi factory was performed by SGS Company - the largest international organization performing independent expertise, certification and laboratory studies. Today, SGS branches are in 140 countries of the world, and its expertise have a reputation for high quality and credibility. Among clients of SGS are leaders of the global market in their areas - Сoca-cola, Danone, Toyota, and others.
Product quality and safety always were top priorities both for Orimi factory and Orimi Trade Group of Companies in general. Implementation of ISO 22000 standard ensures further improvement of the multistage quality system adopted in the company, production control systematization, raising responsibility and competence of personnel at all production stages.
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