Coffee and its useful properties

In 1958 coffee was added to the list of foods and beverages recognized by the World Health Organization as safe for human health.

кофе и его полезные свойства.jpg Through this act the World Health Organization put an end to many years of debates concerning the effects of coffee on human health. Recent studies show that coffee assuages asthma bouts and allergies, prevents tooth decay, activates burning of fats in the body, replenishes potassium deficit and contributes to the improvement of the cardiovascular function. Furthermore, coffee as well as tea is a powerful source of antioxidants.

Coffee is a source of vitamin P needed to strengthen blood vessels.

A cup of coffee contains 20% of the daily requirement in vitamin P.

The main biologically active component of coffee is organic alkaloid caffeine. Caffeine can be found in various proportions in more than a hundred plants but only coffee and cocoa berries, kola nuts and tea leaves contain quite significant amounts of caffeine.

Numerous studies suggest that due to its caffeine content coffee increases the speed of human reaction, helps concentration, stimulates associative thinking, helps to overcome drowsiness and improves mood.

Some researchers suggest that people who regularly drink coffee feel confident, do not suffer from low self-esteem and do not experience unreasonable fears. It is important to note that similar to chocolate coffee contributes to the increased concentration in the human body of the hormone called serotonin that is responsible for the feeling of happiness.

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