
The entire range of tea and coffee products of "Orimi" Group of companies is produced at "Orimi" factory integrated in the structure of the Group

Manufacturing complex Orimi is the largest enterprise in the tea and coffee industry in Europe. It includes two factories where tea goods are produced, coffee producing plant, warehouses for raw materials, components, finished goods, specialized mechanical production.
The enterprises are located in the Leningrad region and in St.Petersburg.

The main characteristics of the Orimi manufacturing complex are the following:

– intensive use of advanced technologies in production;

– high level of automation;

– highly qualifed staff;

– preventive quality and safety control;

– socially oriented management.


Range of products:

– leaf tea;

– all types of tea bags including thermosachet;

– tea and coffee in aluminum capsules;

– whole-bean coffee and ground coffee;

– freeze-dried coffee;

– premium coffee mixes.

The first enterprise started its work in 2000.

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